
The importance of having a business account on Google with Homsi369

In today’s digital age, having a Google Business account has become essential for any business seeking success and expansion. The Google Business platform provides many benefits that help companies reach a wider audience, enhance their brand, and improve their sales.

What is Homsi369?

Homsi369 is a Syrian company specialized in helping companies create and manage Google Business accounts. Homsi369 provides a wide range of services, including:

  • Create a Google Business Account: Homsi369 experts will help you create a Google Business account and configure it properly.
  • Optimize your Google Account profile: Homsi369 will optimize your Google Account profile to ensure it appears in relevant search results.
  • Create advertising campaigns on Google: Homsi369 will help you create and manage effective advertising campaigns on Google that reach your target audience.
  • Data analysis: Homsi369 will provide you with detailed analytics about the performance of your Google account, helping you improve your marketing strategy.


How much does it cost to subscribe to Google My Business?

 Creating a business profile on Google does not require any costs.

What is a Google Business Account?

 A Google Business Account is a way to highlight your business on the Google search engine without costs, as it turns potential customers into real ones.

Why is it important to claim your business on Google?

It allows managing your business from Google Search and Google Maps, thus reaching customers. It also increases the chances of being found on local search engines. When potential customers search for the business locally, the store appears among the results, thus increasing traffic to it.

When should you use a Google business account?

To improve the visibility of your business in the Google search engine, thus increasing traffic.

What is the importance of having a Google business account with Homsi369?

There are many benefits that businesses can gain by having a Google Business account with Homsi369, here are some of them:

  • Increase visibility: A Google Business account will help you appear in relevant search results, which means more people will find your business.
  • Boost your brand: A Google Business account will help you build and enhance your brand by displaying information about your business, such as your website, photos, and phone numbers.
  • Improve sales: Google advertising campaigns will help you reach your target audience and increase your sales.
  • Understanding your customers: Google Analytics will provide you with valuable information about your customers, helping you improve your marketing strategy.

Why choose Homsi369?

Homsi369 has extensive experience helping companies create and manage Google Business accounts. Homsi369’s team of experts has the knowledge and skills to help you get the most out of your Google Account.

Are you ready to start your successful business journey on Google?

Contact Homsi369 today to learn more about how we can help you create and manage a Google Business account.

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Increase your presence on social media platforms through visual identity with Homsi369

Social media is one of the most important tools that individuals and businesses can use to build a strong online presence and connect with their target audience. One of the strategies that can be adopted to increase your influence on social media platforms is to use visual identity effectively. In this article, we will go over how you can enhance your social media presence through visual identity with the help of Homsi369.

introduction visual identity

Visual identity plays a crucial role in attracting attention and distinguishing you on social media platforms. Visual identity includes elements such as the logo, colors, fonts, and images that represent your personality or brand. Through your cooperation with Homsi369, you will be able to develop a unique visual identity that reflects your essence and attracts the audience.

Homsi369 provides visual identity design services with high skill and professionalism, providing innovative designs that help you stand out on social media. Whether you want to design a new logo, or update your existing visual identity, you will find Homsi369 the perfect partner to achieve your goals.

By relying on the distinctive visual identity provided by Homsi369, you will be able to build a strong presence on social media platforms, increase interaction with followers, and increase the number of fans of your page or account. The Homsi369 team works to provide innovative and customized solutions that suit your needs and enhance your digital identity

visual identity


In short, visual identity is a key factor in your success on social media platforms, and with Homsi369 you can benefit from innovative and professional designs that enhance your online presence effectively and attract attention. So, start enhancing your visual identity today with Homsi369 and move towards greater success on social media platforms.

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التسويق الالكتروني Online Marketing أمر حاسم لنجاح الأعمال،


التسويق الالكتروني Online Marketing أمر حاسم لنجاح الأعمال،💯

سوّق علامتك التجارية مع وكالة #homsi على مختلف المنصات واصنع لها حضورا بارزا

سنقدم لك أهم خدمات التسويق الالكتروني : 👇
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تحسين مُحرِّكات البحث SEO
خدمات التسويق عبر فيسبوك📣
التسويق عبر إنستغرام📣
التسويق عبر سناب شات📣
التسويق عبر يوتيوب
التسويق بالمُحتوى📝

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💎تصميم بوسترات اعلانية
💎نصميم فيديوهات دعائية

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وكالة Homsi مرخصة بهولندا برقم الضريبي :


الموقع الإلكتروني هو حجر الأساس لتواجد شركتك رقمياً

الموقع الإلكتروني هو حجر الأساس لتواجد شركتك رقمياً
وذلك لاحتوائه على معلومات مهمة عن الشركة بالإضافة لكونه المكان الأمثل للإجابة عن كل تساؤلات العملاء المحتملين فهو بمثابة متحدث دائم باسمك وأرشيف لأهم أعمالك.
تذكر أن زبائنك يتوقعون دائماً أنك تملك موقعاً على الإنترنت يمكّنهم من طلب عرض سعر و تصفّح خدماتك و عروضك ، و إن عدم وجود موقع سيؤثر سلبا على مصداقيتك حيث أن الشركة التي لا تمتلك موقعا إلكترونياً غالبا ما تبدو كجهة غير موثوق بها.

وكالة Homsi مسجلة رسميا في هولندا ذات الرقم الضريبي KVK :



E-Commerce Definition

Its definition: It is the process of selling, buying or exchanging products, services and information using an internal or external Internet.

E-Business Definition

The broadest definition includes serving customers, cooperating with business partners, and conducting electronic transactions within the organization as well as the process of exchanging, selling or buying products, services and information.

E-marketplace Definition

It is a market where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods, services, money and information via the Internet.


A local network within a company or government that uses Internet tools such as: browsers and the Internet Protocol.


A network that uses the Internet to connect a group of internal networks.

Social Computing

It is a computerized system that includes social interactions and behaviors using a set of tools such as blogs, wikis, social networks, and others. It focuses on improving cooperation and interaction between people. As for its role in e-commerce, it allows people to work together, communicate with experts, and learn about products recommended by their friends.

Social Network

A class of Internet applications that help connect friends, business partners, or individuals with specific interests by providing free services such as photo viewing, e-mail, and blogging.

Social Commerce

They are e-commerce activities that are carried out through social networks or social programs such as: Web applications 2.

virtual reality

A three-dimensional computer simulation, users of the virtual world have what is called a virtual character “Avatar”, through these virtual characters the user can interact with the virtual environment such as building or sharing places, cars and many other items. The most famous example of a virtual world is “SECOND LIFE”.