Gain customer satisfaction

The Importance and Strategies of Gaining Customer Satisfaction

Successful and sustainable businesses require constant attention to customers and achieving their satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a vital key to growth and prosperity, as it contributes to building strong and effective relationships with customers, which brings economic benefits and a positive reputation to the company. In this article, we will explore below on the Al-Homsi website the importance of customer satisfaction and how to achieve it through appropriate strategies and providing a distinctive customer experience.

The concept of gaining customer satisfaction

Gaining customer satisfaction is an essential part of any organization’s business strategy. Customer satisfaction can be defined as the level at which customers remain happy and satisfied with the products or services provided by the company. Understanding and meeting customer expectations and needs is crucial to maintaining strong and sustainable relationships with them.

As a key point in any business strategy, understanding it correctly can lead to many benefits, including increased loyalty, increased revenue, enhanced brand reputation, and competitive advantage in the market.

Given the importance of customer satisfaction, companies must invest time and resources in conducting continuous research on customer satisfaction, accurately analyzing data to identify areas that need improvement, and working to meet customer expectations and needs on an ongoing basis.

The Importance of Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is also a fundamental pillar in building lasting and sustainable relationships with customers. The importance of gaining customer satisfaction is evident in several points, including:

  • Increasing loyalty: When a customer is satisfied and pleased with the company’s service, they are more likely to stay and continue dealing with it in the long term. This is positively reflected in customer retention rates.
  • Improving overall reputation: Customer satisfaction contributes to enhancing the brand’s reputation and building a positive image in the minds of the public. When customers feel satisfied and confident, they spread their positive experience among their friends and families, which enhances the company’s reputation.
  • Making more profits: Satisfied customers shop more and more frequently, which significantly increases the company’s revenues. Simply put, customer satisfaction can lead to increased revenues and profitability.
  • Attracting new customers: The experience of happy and satisfied customers is a living advertisement for the company. Customers who are convinced of the quality and excellent service tend to attract new customers through their positive advice and recommendations.

Customer Satisfaction Stages

The customer satisfaction stages consist of several stages as follows:

Awareness Stage:

This stage begins when the customer becomes familiar with the product or service offered by the organization. The goal in this stage is to attract the customer’s attention and make him aware of the existence of the product or service.

Interest and Engagement Stage:

After the customer becomes aware of the product or service, he enters the interaction and interest stage. The customer begins to explore more about the product, and tries to understand how to benefit from it and how it suits his needs.

Purchase and Trial Stage:

Here is the purchasing process where the customer makes the purchase decision based on the persuasion practiced by the organization. After the purchase, the customer tries the product or service, which leads to a positive or negative experience.

Satisfaction and Loyalty Stage:

Based on his experience with the product or service, the customer reaches the satisfaction stage if his expectations are met. If the customer is completely satisfied, this may result in loyalty where the customer chooses to continue dealing with the organization over and over again and recommends it to others.

Strategies to Gain Customer Satisfaction

To gain customer satisfaction and maintain their loyalty, a set of important strategies can be followed. Here are some key strategies:

Gain customer satisfaction
Gain customer satisfaction

Transparency and credibility:

Transparency and credibility are one of the most important factors in gaining customer satisfaction. Companies must deal honestly with their customers and provide accurate and transparent information about their products and services.

Provide excellent customer service:

Investing in improving the quality of customer service is essential to gaining customer satisfaction. Response must be quick and effective, and customer requirements must be carefully addressed.

Understanding customer needs:

Companies must analyze and understand customer needs accurately. By studying the market and listening to customer feedback, products and services can be improved to meet those needs.

Showing personal attention:

Show personal attention to customers who are of utmost importance. This can be achieved by providing personalized services, sending congratulatory messages on special occasions, and offering small gifts expressing appreciation.

A rewarding loyalty program:

Creating a loyalty program that can be attractive to customers and encourage them to continue dealing with the company. Special discounts, gifts, and exclusive benefits can be offered to loyal customers.

Quality Control Mechanisms to Ensure Customer Satisfaction

Quality control mechanisms are essential to ensure customer satisfaction and achieve company goals. By applying the right mechanisms, the required specifications can be achieved and high-quality products and services that meet customer expectations can be provided. The most important main mechanisms that can be adopted for quality control and customer satisfaction are:

  • Continuous monitoring: This includes continuous verification of all stages of the production process to ensure that procedures and standards are implemented accurately and effectively. The quality of the product or service must be monitored periodically to ensure compliance with specifications.
  • Internal audit: This includes the continuous evaluation of the company’s operations and ensuring that quality requirements are applied. Auditing can play a major role in identifying strengths and weaknesses and identifying areas that need improvement.
  • Risk management: Potential risks that may affect the quality of the product or service must be assessed, and plans must be developed to deal with these risks and reduce their impact on customer satisfaction.
  • External audit: This type of audit includes evaluation by an independent third party, which helps in Obtaining an objective assessment of the company’s performance and the quality of its products.
  • Collecting and analyzing data: This involves using data and information to evaluate quality performance, identify trends and patterns, and take necessary actions to improve performance.

Customer Satisfaction Indicators

Customer satisfaction indicators are vital tools used to understand customer satisfaction and evaluate their experience with your products or services. By analyzing these indicators, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses in your service and take necessary actions to improve your customer experience and enhance their satisfaction.

One of the most important indicators used is the Net Promoter Score (NPS) which helps understand how willing customers are to promote your company. Based on customer ratings, the data is analyzed to provide a comprehensive picture of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The TGW (Things Gone Wrong) method is another important tool for measuring customer satisfaction, as it helps analyze the errors and problems that customers encounter while interacting with your products or services. By providing questionnaires that ask customers to rate the problems they encountered and how they were handled, the results can be used to improve operations and increase service quality.

In addition, customer service data analysis such as the number of incoming calls, average response time, and number of complaints can be used to evaluate the performance of the customer service team and identify areas that need improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can customer satisfaction be achieved?

By providing high-quality services that meet customer expectations.

By understanding customer needs and meeting them effectively.

  • How can you gain customer trust?

By being honest and transparent in dealing.

By providing excellent customer service and responding quickly to their needs.

  • How can you gain customer satisfaction?

By building sustainable and professional relationships with customers.

By achieving good communication and positive interaction with them.

  • How do you gain customer satisfaction?

By providing a comprehensive and satisfactory customer experience.

By meeting customer expectations and providing effective solutions to their problems.

In short, gaining customer satisfaction is a critical factor in the success and continuity of companies in a competitive market. By providing high-quality services, effective communication, and accurately understanding needs, companies can build a highly satisfied and loyal customer base. Therefore, customer satisfaction should be at the heart of the business strategy and be a fundamental element in every step a company takes towards providing a distinctive experience for its customers.

Instagram marketing strategies

Best Instagram marketing strategies for beginners 2024

Instagram marketing strategies play an important role in enhancing your digital presence and targeting the right audience. In this article from Al-Homsi, we will explore some effective Instagram marketing strategies that you can apply to make your marketing process successful. We will talk about how to target the right audience, create attractive and sophisticated content, interact with followers, use paid ads, and measure the performance of your campaigns.

Influencer Instagram marketing strategies examples

Instagram marketing strategies must be followed to get the most out of it, as it is the second largest social media platform in terms of the number of users, as it has millions of daily active users, which provides an opportunity to reach a wide and diverse audience. The ability to reach a targeted audience. You can target the specific audience you want to reach by using appropriate labels and direction for your content. The ability to create innovative images and short videos that express products or services in an attractive and engaging way. In addition to the ability to highlight the benefits of products and highlight the creative elements of your brand. The ability to use features such as Instagram Reels and Stories to communicate more interactively and collaboratively with your audience. This illustrates the importance of Instagram in marketing, and accordingly, but What is the best Instagram strategy?

  • Define goals: Before you start marketing on Instagram, you must clearly define your goals. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Do you aim to increase sales? You may also need to identify the audience scenes you aim to target.
  • Understand your target audience: Before creating content on Instagram, you must understand your target audience well. What are their interests and preferences? What topics interest them? This will help you guide your content strategy and communicate effectively.
  • Create diverse and attractive content: Your Instagram content must be diverse and attractive to attract and engage your audience.
  • Use brand names and hashtags: Enhance your brand identity by using your brand names and relevant hashtags.

How to make an Instagram marketing strategy?

To achieve effectiveness in applying e-marketing strategies via Instagram, you can follow the following Creative Instagram marketing ideas:

  • Define your target audience: You must identify the target group you aim to reach and who will be interested in your products or services. You can define your audience based on age, gender, geographic location, and interests.
  • Create inspiring content: Create engaging, high-quality content that targets your target audience. Use eye-catching images, videos, and creative content to grab users’ attention and boost your brand reputation.
  • Use hashtags: Use hashtags that are relevant to your products or services in your posts. Hashtags help increase the visibility of your posts and attract more interested users.
  • Interact with followers: Be active in engaging with users who interact with your posts. Respond to comments and messages and provide help and information.
  • Paid ads: Boost your important posts or create paid ads to increase their reach and attract more users. Use Instagram analytics to measure and improve ad performance.
  • Story updates: Use Instagram’s stories feature to interact with other accounts and share daily content. Take advantage of poll and question features to engage interactively with your audience.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Collaborate with influencers who target the same target audience. Collaborating with them can help increase your brand awareness and drive sales.
  • Measure and improve performance: Use the analytics tools available on Instagram to measure the performance of your posts and ads. Track views, visits, shares, and engagement to determine the success of your strategies and improve them.

Define your goals and objectives for your Instagram marketing strategies

Defining your goals and objectives for your Instagram marketing strategies is one of the key factors for success on this social platform. All Instagram marketing strategies share clearly defined goals and objectives. Defining your goals provides direction to your strategy and helps you create content that your target audience will engage with.

Why is setting goals important in Instagram marketing strategies?

Goals help guide your actions and marketing efforts appropriately, and ensure that you have a meaningful impact. Here are some tips for setting your goals and objectives to achieve the success of your Instagram strategy:

  • Do you want to offer something new or attract attention? The visual nature of your content can help you showcase your products or services and generate interest effectively. Your Instagram profile should be visually appealing and distinctive to attract followers to your business account.
  • Do you want to increase engagement with your audience? Engaging content like polls and Q&A sessions can help boost engagement and increase follower engagement.
  • Are you focused on increasing sales? You can use Instagram’s shopping features and create promotional content that encourages users to make a purchase. Instagram shopping posts can drive more traffic to your business page.
  • Are you looking for partnerships or collaborations with other brands? Share your expertise to attract potential collaborators across different social media platforms.
Instagram marketing strategies

Instagram marketing strategies

Align Instagram Marketing with Goals

Aligning your Instagram marketing strategy with your goals is an important part of social media marketing, and some of the ways you can align your Instagram account with your goals are:

  • Use consistent imagery and storytelling: This approach aims to create an identity for your organization or brand that is reflected in your image design and contentYour account. The colors and style of your images should be consistent with your brand, as they play a crucial role in enhancing your brand identity and creating a cohesive and distinctive image for it.
  • Create interactive content: Posting interactive content helps you attract the attention of your followers and encourage them to participate in your posts. Use features such as polls and quizzes to solicit and respond to your followers’ comments. This may encourage followers to stay and continuously interact with your account.
  • Promote professionalism and elegance: No matter what brand identity you have, your Instagram account should reflect professionalism and elegance. Create high-quality images and choose a beautiful and attractive format to display your content.
  • Interact with followers: Interacting with followers is part of your Instagram marketing strategy. Deal and interact with followers in a professional manner. Respond to their comments, ask for their suggestions, and receive their positive feedback. This will enhance your followers’ experience with your account and they can become permanent visitors to your page.

Instagram Content Plan

A content plan on Instagram is a strategic roadmap that outlines the type and timing of content you will publish on your account on the platform. It helps you keep your posts consistent and relevant and direct them towards your goals and target audience. With a well-organized and organized content plan, you can achieve the marketing results you desire. but How to market well on Instagram?

  • Set goals: Determine the purpose and goals you want to achieve through your Instagram account. Are you aiming to increase the number of followers, increase sales, build brand awareness, or engage with content? Setting goals will help you guide your strategy in creating the appropriate content.
  • Audience analysis: Study your target audience to understand their needs and interests. You can use the analytics data available on the Instagram platform to understand the distinctive engagement and focus of the content.
  • Types of content: Choose the appropriate types of content you want to publish on your account, such as photos, videos, stories, polls, direct conversations, and more. You can benefit from a diverse mix of content to attract and engage with your audience.
  • Content Scheduling: Set up a schedule when posting content, determine the ideal timing for posting posts that achieve the greatest reach and engagement from your target audience. Make sure to stick to a regular schedule and respect the established routine, such as posting content daily or weekly.
  • Engagement and participation: You must be ready to interact with your audience and engage in content that can drive engagement. Respond to comments and followers’ questions in a professional and quick manner to increase engagement.
  • Measure and analyze results: Use the analytics tools available on Instagram to measure content performance and better understand user engagement and changes that need to be made. Evaluate performance and learn from the results to improve your future strategy.


In short, Instagram marketing strategies play a fundamental role in building your digital presence, increasing brand awareness, and audience engagement. You can achieve your success on Instagram and gain more audience and customers by setting the right goals, understanding your target audience, creating engaging content, communicating and engaging with followers, using paid ads, and measuring performance.

Email marketing strategies

The best Email marketing strategies 2024

Email marketing strategies are considered one of the most powerful tools for building and strengthening relationships with customers. They are an effective and direct way to communicate with your audience and provide targeted content and real value.

What are email marketing strategies?

Email Marketing Strategies How is email marketing done?

Segment your email list

The first email marketing strategy that you should use to your advantage, you can divide your email subscribers into new active or inactive subscribers or by age group.

Send a welcome email series

If you choose to send welcome emails instead of a single welcome email you will be able to enjoy a greater number of orders for your company such as:

Welcome and present your work.

Explore more of our offers.

Keep in contact with us.

Tell them about your best-selling products

It is One of email marketing strategies examples, When customers have too many choices they feel overwhelmed. This is why most brick-and-mortar stores have exclusive islands of their best-selling products to help customers reach a purchasing decision. You can apply this principle to email marketing strategies.

Marketing seasonal products

If your products are not attracting attention on social media, you can increase their visibility by creating an email marketing campaign by targeting a specific audience and personalizing your messages, where you can include your recipient’s name, which gives your promotions a greater chance of being seen and read.

Offer flash sales or discounted promotions

Your customers are highly encouraged to check your store regularly. If you are generous with flash sales and promotions, email them about your exciting offers.

Click on Abandoned Cart Email Campaigns

The cart abandonment rate is between 68-70%. Customers often add a product to their cart when they see something they like on social media or while browsing their favorite e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, Shopee, and La Zada. Even though customers want your product, they are unable to complete the checkout process If you resolve any issues in the purchase process, you can get your customers to buy abandoned products in their shopping carts by launching abandoned cart email campaigns.

Send educational or informational emails

You should send educational or informational emails to your subscribers from time to time. You can write gift guides, tutorials on how to use your products, product care tips, seasonal trends, or news relevant to your niche.

Write email subject lines that grab attention

It is One of email marketing strategies examples, to make your customers unable to resist opening your emails, create any of the following types of email subject lines:

  • Use an element of urgency or scarcity.
  • Arouse curiosity.
  • Add emojis to your email subject lines.

Make your email structure look elegant

To attract the attention of your email subscribers, create a visually attractive email layout. Format your email properly, choose readable fonts, and incorporate images of your store. Including visual elements may help improve the readability of your email. Make sure that your email does not contain too many images because they It can affect delivery possibility and loading time.

Include links and a prominent search button to take action CTA

The primary goal of an email marketing campaign is to increase sales to your own store. To highlight the links in your emails, use the standard blue color. As for the search-to-action buttons, you can use the call to action. You can match their colors to your brand palette or choose red and green colors. To make it stand out.

Understanding customer needs

It is the first step to building a strong relationship with customers. You must understand their needs and interests, and your emails must be targeted and appropriate for the audience.

Providing added value

The email should not only be for advertisements, but should provide high-quality content such as useful tips or informational articles and special offers to subscribers to your mailing list.

Email marketing strategies

Email marketing strategies

Professionalism and attractive design

Professionally designed emails play a major role in attracting customers’ attention, such as using a high-quality image, consistent colors, and clear texts. The message must be easy to read.

Link and interaction

You should maintain communication with your mailing list by sending regular messages with updates about your products or services.

Sustainability and transparency

Sustainability and compliance are an important part of building trust with customers, so be transparent with customers and let them know how their personal data is used.

Evaluation and analysis

It is One of email marketing strategies examples, continuously film the performance of your email campaigns and analyze the data to understand what is working well and what needs improvement. Use this information to adjust your strategies and increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Determine the target audience

Defining your target audience helps you create email campaigns that attract customers. Target audiences are people who are likely to buy or need your products. To define your audience, you must explore their interests, motivations, and preferences.

Provide useful content

The overall goal of any business goal is to increase sales. Providing high-quality content tailored specifically to your audience is the best way to add value through your emails. Email content should tell a story that shows how your company can solve the reader’s problems and should not contain jargon that the reader does not understand.

Subscribe to an email automation service

The software solutions automation is a great option when preparing budgets and accounts. You can benefit from automation features. Creating an email may take a few hours of work. Email automation may help you create personalized email experiences for subscribers and implement scalable marketing strategies.

Develop an email marketing plan

You should develop an email marketing plan. Drawing up strategies gives you time to think about the results during the marketing process

Compliance with the CAN SPAM law

It is One of the email marketing strategies examples, an email recipient has rights protected by federal law to receive only emails for which they have subscribed

Conduct an A-B test

It is a distinct marketing strategy that allows testing different versions of the marketing campaign. The purpose is to determine which email message offers the best tool.

Segmentation of target customers

Segmentation allows you to know more information about your customers as you can classify your customers into categories based on their preferences and this increases the relevance of your emails to users’ needs.

Add calls to action (CTAs)

You should include a clear call to action in your message, such as Subscribe or Buy Now.

Set SMART goals

To create the best marketing campaigns, you must try several strategies. Set reasonable expectations and set a timeline for the marketing campaign from six months to a year.

Evaluating marketing metrics

You must have a way to measure the success of marketing campaigns. Without metrics, you will have difficulty determining the best marketing strategies.

Time factor

It appears through data analysis and customer interaction, then choosing the appropriate timing to send at the same time.

Interactive design

Use a good design in which all messages can be displayed to display the messages perfectly.

Periodic filtration

You must filter your mailing list in order to remove non-interactive customers. This ensures that subscribers’ messages reach you.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it may take time to learn email marketing strategies, but it is worth it as it is a successful way to reach customers to enhance your influence in the labor market.

Social media marketing strategies examples

What are social media marketing strategies for 2024?

Social media marketing strategies are essential and very important in the current era of technology, as they help companies reach their target audience and enhance brand awareness.  As these strategies can contribute very significantly to the success of a business, On the Al-Homsi Company website, we will provide you an effective tips on electronic marketing strategies for the success of your marketing campaign on social media sites. 

Social media marketing strategies examples 

Social media marketing strategies are one of the best ways to market products and services at the present time.  Due to the increasing number of followers within it, for this reason, the intensity of competition between companies that want to market their products through it is increasing.

What are 8 social media digital marketing strategies?:

Create a branded hashtag on your content

You should put your hashtag on social media sites.  Your marketing content may help you gain a large number of followers, and classifications help collect similar content in the same specialty and classify posts according to the topic they contain and the campaign to which they belong.

 The hashtag also uses trademarks to promote products, services, projects, and businesses within them.

Video marketing 

One of the best methods of promotion is live video marketing, especially Facebook, because viewers prefer video more than reading.

Marketing video on Facebook builds credibility and trust between the consumer and the brand and increases awareness of the company and the brand.

Take advantage of Instagram Stories in your marketing plan

The Instagram story in marketing plans through social media sites promotes the brand effectively.  This strategy is one of the effective marketing methods that has led to great success on Instagram because it is based on showing what is happening behind the scenes. You can also display customers’ experiences with the company and encourage them to purchase the product by offering rewards to existing customers.

Create useful content about your products on social media sites:

 When writing content or making a marketing video for your products, you should focus on increasing your customers’ awareness of the product and educating them by providing useful information about the product.

 Paid marketing ads, Facebook ads and Twitter ads

The best way to market products and services is paid advertising, as it is an effective electronic promotion method as it helps reach potential customers and introduces them to the available product or service.

Use an influencer marketing strategy

Influencer marketing is considered one of the best marketing ideas through social media, as it cooperates with influencers who are active in the same field and have large numbers of followers to promote the product.

 It varies between hundreds and thousands of followers to ask them to promote your products in more than one way. One of these methods is to encourage their followers to buy them or by trying them out and providing a review about them, but this will be in exchange for providing something that may be a sum of money, free products, etc.

Use customer referral programs 

This strategy contributes to attracting a large number of new customers to you, in exchange for customers getting your discounts by writing a post explaining their new experiences in purchasing your product.

Boost social profiles via seo 

Using keywords to describe your profile and titles on social media can improve your page’s SEO.  Put your target words and phrases on your resume and in all your accounts, and you should check your account on Google business listings.

 Always maintain an active presence on social media

 Always try to keep your social media profile updated and also respond to customer comments.

Then post content about your business regularly and reference high-quality images, videos, and GIFs in posts to increase engagement.

Interact with followers 

 Maintain mutual interaction, but be careful when responding to their comments, and you also comment on their posts. This helps you strengthen your relationships with your followers, after which they will be transformed from your followers into ambassadors for your brand. 

 When you address them, you must speak in a special and appropriate language that will keep them from buying your products.

Organizing competitions and asking questions

social media marketing strategies

social media marketing strategies

This can be implemented by offering contests and gifts. Through social media marketing, you can offer gifts to the winners by asking contests or questions. This is in exchange for interacting with or sharing your posts, so you must find more than one way to communicate with the people who won the award.

 This increases the enthusiasm of your followers and attracts them to interact with you passionately. It also attracts new followers and increases public awareness of the brand, thus spreading your posts and your brand primarily by relying on likes and follows to measure the quality and importance of posts.

 You can also request some information from followers in exchange for participating in the competition, such as their email addresses, to add them later to the mailing list and use them in email marketing.

Email marketing

Send emails to customers to introduce your products, offers, and features.

Encourage customers to provide reviews

You should encourage customers to submit reviews about your products on your page to get many followers on social media. 

Conduct a dialogue with the audience 

The method of asking questions is considered one of the good methods of marketing because it may increase the audience’s interaction with you through social media platforms. This is why you must open dialogues with the audience so that they feel that you care about their opinions and comments and ask them questions to promote a new product by offering prizes for correct answers.

 Link the website to all your social media profiles

 This method attracts the audience to communicate with the company.

Study audience activity on platforms

For example, your target audience may be active on Facebook in the morning and at night, while appearing less during the afternoon and late night.


 Among the most common questions about marketing strategies on social media sites are: 

How can Social media management?

 Through the following steps:

  •  Correctly define goals and target audience 
  •  Choosing the appropriate channels to communicate with the target audience
  •  Create diverse and engaging content
  •  Interaction and rapid response 
  •  Use of analytical tools.

 What are social marketing strategies?

 Word of mouth marketing, relationship marketing, social media marketing, blogging, marketing campaigns.

 How is marketing done through social media?

 By creating important and attractive content and sharing it on social media platforms, the goal is to attract and interact with users and make them interact with the products or services being promoted.

 What is social media plan for marketing?

  • First: Make the content suitable for each platform
  • Second: Publish a diverse topic
  • Third: Determine publishing times.


Social media marketing strategies have proven to be one of the effective and inexpensive means to increase sales, accelerate business growth, and attract customers as well. You will achieve success if you take advantage of these strategies within your marketing work to promote your products.

Electronic marketing strategies

The best Electronic marketing strategies

Electronic marketing strategies are essential in the age of technology as they help companies reach the target audience and enhance brand awareness.  These strategies can also contribute significantly to the success of the business.

On the Al-Homsi Company website,  Below we review the most prominent strategies used in implementing an electronic marketing plan.

Electronic marketing strategies

There are many Electronic marketing strategies that you can use to achieve the best results, most notably:

Content marketing strategy

 It is one of the best ways to interact with customers and attract their attention. By creating valuable and useful content, you can provide real value to customers and build a strong relationship between you and them.


 It is considered a crucial marketing strategy to increase brand visibility and attract a lot of potential customers.  By improving website content and pages, improving keywords, building links, and improving user experiences.  It also focuses on creating high-quality, easy-to-read content that solves the problems of the target audience.

 Send emails 

 It is considered one of the most important e-marketing strategies, as you can create very powerful e-mail campaigns to communicate with existing customers and attract new ones.  Also, using email sends special offers and exclusive content to increase sales and build brand loyalty.

They can be used to communicate with customers, provide new offers and information, and increase sales. Email messages must be of high quality and personal to achieve the best results.

 Marketing strategy to describe a content format 

 One of the effective strategies for successful electronic marketing is to create valuable and useful content for customers to increase brand awareness and build relationships to improve search engines, enhance the ranking of website pages and increase their appearance in search results. 

 Mechanism for developing an electronic marketing strategy

Electronic marketing strategies

Electronic marketing strategies

 To achieve the highest profit on the Internet, you must develop an effective marketing plan, and this can be done by following the following:

  •  Defining the work mission: Knowing the desired goal better clarifies the vision and also allows choosing the appropriate strategy.
  •  Determine key performance indicators, that is, identify the individual indicators that measure the elements of the marketing campaign. This is done by setting short-term goals that are guaranteed to be achieved before setting others.
  •  Study the target audience by identifying the purchasing mentality of the target audience to verify the marketing of the product directly, and thus attract more potential customers.
  •  Setting a budget for the marketing campaign, not exceeding it, and following up on sales indicators and analyzing them to determine the success of the plan.


 Among the most common questions about Electronic marketing strategies are: 

How can social media be used to achieve the success of a marketing strategy?

  • Correctly define goals and target audience.
  • Choosing the appropriate channels to communicate with the target audience. 
  • Create diverse and engaging content.
  •  Interaction and rapid response.
  •  Use of analytical tools.

 What are the most important e-marketing strategies?

  •  First: word-of-mouth marketing. 
  •  Second: Relationship marketing.
  •  Third: Marketing via social media sites.
  •  Fourth: Blogs.
  •  Fifth: Marketing campaigns.

 How is marketing done through social media?

 Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms, for example: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., to market services and products.  This type of marketing also includes creating content that attracts customers’ attention and sharing it on social media platforms with the intention of attracting and interacting with users to make them interact with the products or services that can be promoted.

 How can purposeful content be marketed on social media platforms?

  •  First: Make the content appropriate for each platform you use.
  •  Second: Publish a diverse topic.
  •  Third: Determine publishing times.


 Following the best Electronic marketing strategies helps in the success of various business activities. It works to gain trust among customers, increases sales volume, and creates two-way communication. Moreover, it effectively promotes the brand in the market.

Electronic marketing

Electronic marketing: Concept, types, forms

In our current era, technology converges with business, as marketing has become more than just a strategy. It is the most advanced way to build a business relationship and attract an audience.

In this article from homsi website, we will talk about the world of marketing in all its details and various aspects, and we will expand by talking in particular about the basic conditions that any commercial company must adhere to to ensure its success. We will also learn about the secrets of marketing success in order to reach the top.

Marketing concept

It is a complex process that has several aspects that analyze the market, identify the available opportunity, and exploit it effectively to enhance the position of brands. Marketing includes trends, behaviors, and conducting research to determine the audience that is being targeted and understanding all of their requirements. Thus, marketing becomes a constant journey that leads to research and development to build a very strong relationship based on… Trust and loyalty between customers and the brand.

Marketing objectives

Marketing has several strategic objectives, the most prominent of which are:

Increasing brand awareness: This item aims to familiarize the public with the brand and consolidate its image in their minds.

Attracting new customers: Effective strategies are applied targeting specific categories of audience.

Building a long-term relationship: through constant communication with customers and achieving their satisfaction and loyalty.

Increasing sales: by running specialized promotional campaigns that contribute to achieving significant growth in imports.

These goals are considered the foundation of any successful marketing strategy.

Types of electronic marketing

The most prominent types of electronic marketing are:

Electronic marketing
Electronic marketing

Traditional Marketing:

It is considered a type of marketing that relies on traditional means, for example: television advertisements, newspapers, radio, magazines, advertising banners, and newsletters. This type of marketing is characterized by the ability to reach a wide audience of all age levels.

Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing has found its place as a major tool for promoting brands and products online. This includes search engines, electronic marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, and affiliate marketing. This type is characterized by flexibility and the ability to target specific categories of audience with high precision.

Social Marketing:

With the advancement of social awareness, a special type of marketing has emerged. This type of marketing aims to influence behaviors to achieve a social good and not just to achieve profits. It uses attractive means to encourage consumers to take actions that help improve society.

Trade Marketing:

It is the heart of the activity and its backbone includes the methods and strategies that companies use to diversify offers. Marketing has become multi-faceted and multi-types. Marketing also relies on data to formulate effective strategies that influence consumer behaviors and decisions.

Practical marketing:

It applies theoretical concepts and strategies in a direct and effective way in the market. This type includes understanding the audience, developing products that meet their needs, determining appropriate prices, choosing effective channels for distribution, and formulating advertising messages that reach customers with high efficiency.

Personal Marketing:

This type of marketing is an important element in building professional relationships to achieve great success in professional life. This type of marketing is also based on promoting skills and abilities and building a good personal reputation. It also depends on the principle of self-marketing, and its importance is complemented by the fact that it helps individuals stand out in the labor market, which becomes more competitive every day.

Marketing departments in companies

Marketing departments in companies are represented by the following points:

Responding to customer needs:

The basis of marketing is responding to customer needs and desires. Therefore, this section of marketing pays attention to everything that happens in the market and identifies the problems that customers face. This is done by preparing various briefs from clients and thus creating discussions and news.

Preparing and managing marketing campaigns:

This department works in a certain period to prepare and manage marketing campaigns according to plans that are made in advance. Thus, marketing campaigns also include a series of marketing initiatives that take place during a specific period of time and have specific goals as well. Marketing department employees must also be fully aware of all aspects of marketing and methods of managing marketing campaigns in order to ensure that all things are in the right place.

Marketing management on social media sites:

This section of the marketing department focuses on the marketing process itself through the use of social networking sites due to the spread of social sites in the last stage and their development greatly and very quickly. This marketing department also undertakes marketing operations by identifying notes, comments, ideas, and suggestions provided by customers on social media sites, in addition to constantly interacting with customers and answering all their inquiries and requests that they submit.

Monitor competitors:

The marketing department in companies may bear the responsibility of monitoring competitors so that rapid reaction takes place at the appropriate time based on and analysis of all information related to competitors. He must also monitor recent trends related to new products offered by competitors and other important commercial information on which he bases his future decisions in the company.

Brand building and management:

This marketing department in the company works on building brands to manage the company. The department may choose the brand image and the appropriate way to communicate it to the public. Branding involves creating logos, choosing colors, font preferences, and other branding-related matters.

Market trends analysis:

Different marketing departments in companies may conduct various market researches to determine customer interests. So that department employees collect data and conduct To analyze and prepare various reports that are submitted to management and discussed.

Preparing marketing content:

Marketing content and its preparation are considered one of the main tasks of marketing departments, as this department prepares various meetings to implement planning for marketing content and the method of preparing it. Marketing content is represented by many different marketing strategies and methods, for example: digital marketing, articles, advertisements, publications, promotional events, sponsorships, etc.

Types of digital marketing

The forms of digital marketing vary depending on the means used for promotion, and the most prominent forms are:

  • Social media marketing.
  • Influencer marketing
  • Affiliate marketing or commission.
  • Email marketing.
  • Content marketing.
  • SEO.
  • paid advertising.
  • Signal marketing word of mouth.
  • Event Marketing
  • Video Marketing.

common questions

What are the types of marketing?

Content marketing.

Search engine optimization.

Email marketing.

What are the departments of marketing management?

Director of Marketing.

Electronic marketing officer.

Content writer.

Advertising campaigns officer.

Marketing Representative.

Marketing analyst.

Marketing research officer.

Search Engine Optimization Officer.

Customer response officer.

Planning Officer. And marketing strategies.

Director of Marketing.

What are the best marketing methods?

Email marketing enables you to direct your offers directly to customers. You can send newsletters or personal emails to existing customers and inform them of the latest offers and promotional campaigns that you offer. This gives you greater control over how to deliver your message and increases the chance of attracting customers’ attention.

 What is the main goal of marketing?

  • First: The research process to study the product, the market, and competitors, which is the most important stage before starting to develop strategies or actual marketing.
  • Second: Develop clear and organized strategic plans that must be easy to measure in order to set goals.
  • Third: Knowledge and continuous learning.
  • Fourth: Focus on content and delivering information in an attractive, easy and simple way, which increases the customer’s knowledge about the product further.
  • Fifth: Permanent and continuous analysis of the company and competitors regarding what is happening on the Internet sites and exploiting their weaknesses.


There is no right or wrong way to market the business you do as long as it leads to interaction and communication with the audience you want. Many companies use one, a few, or many types of marketing to promote their message. In the end, you will need an option that best suits buyers, budget, and resources. And your marketing goals.

Marketing via sociale media platforms

The Social media marketing guides

marketing via social media sites contributes to the electronic marketing process to ensure that the desired image is delivered to customers who use these sites daily in a large and massive way, and are affected in their purchases by what is circulated in them, which requires the company to ensure its follow-up and constant and regular presence in it to ensure maximizing the benefit from the advantages of this type of marketing. We will review below on Al-Homsi’s website the definition and the most prominent strategies and platforms used in it.

Definition of marketing via social media sites

marketing via social media sites is one of the types that tends to gain visitors to your website or product by attracting their attention through social media sites and social networks in order to reach customers automatically without the urgent need to update or publish content manually.

The importance and Benefits of social media marketing

The importance of marketing via social media sites is represented in increasing the number of customers for each business activity. By creating content and publishing it on various social media sites, which helps to reach different products and services to the target group

for each company, which works to increase the number of customers significantly and exchange mutual trust between the company and its customers. Marketing is also done via social media using a set of practices and procedures that contribute to reaching the target group very quickly.

Social media marketing strategy

Marketing via sociale media platforms
Marketing via sociale media platforms

Social media marketing strategies are essential in the age of digital technology as they help some companies reach their target audience and enhance brand awareness in 2003. These strategies also contribute significantly to the success of businesses today, as they help reach their target audience and enhance brand awareness. These strategies can also contribute significantly to the success of a business. The best of these strategies are:

  • Content Marketing: It requires creating very useful content for customers and enables you to create articles, blogs and other media materials that provide the audience with useful information that helps solve their problems.
  •  Search Engine Optimization: This strategy plays an important and vital role in increasing the brand and attracting many customers. You can also improve your web pages on websites to improve keywords, build links and improve the user experience.
  • Email Marketing: Email marketing is one of the most important and powerful marketing tools that can be used through social media. You can send emails to communicate with customers and provide offers and information. Emails must be of high quality. High to achieve the best results.

The impact of marketing through social media

Social media plays a major role in promoting various commercial activities, so we will talk about the impact of social media in marketing

through several points:

● Enhancing brand awareness: The brand is the logo of every

company and is a distinctive means of ideal promotion for commercial activities, so social media enhances brand awareness in the market in a very

significant way.

● Customer generation: The impact of social media on marketing is that it helps to

increase traffic for each activity and the ability to convert temporary customers to permanent ones and gain their trust in the fastest time.

● Low marketing costs: Marketing through social media is one of the means

that is characterized by its low cost compared to other means.

● Direct contact with customers: Among the impact of social media is that it creates other contact with

customers, as it is possible through social media sites to respond directly to customers and enhance complete trust

between customers and the company.

● Knowing customer opinions: Through social media, you can learn about customer opinions and evaluations of services or products and work on developing them to suit all their needs.

Electronic tools and Social media marketing platforms

Marketing tools are technical tools and are the right hand and main assistant in the marketing process. The most important of these tools are:

Google Search

This is the first marketing tool to be relied upon in the field of electronic marketing and it is a free tool affiliated with the Google search engine.

Google Analytics

This is also a free tool provided by Google and is characterized by being more in-depth than its predecessor in analyzing sites and user activity.

Page Speed ​​Insights 

This is also a free tool affiliated with Google and is used to measure page loading speed, which is an essential element of the elements affecting the user experience of websites.


is a paid tool with some features, It is characterized by its ability to crawl and follow internal and external links and analyze competitors

And know the deficiency of content

Screaming Frog

It is a marketing tool that is characterized as a powerful tool for social media sites that detects

Errors, their locations and the nature of their severity, in addition to issuing sufficient reports about them with just the click of a button.


This tool allows us to monitor customers step by step with ease and analyzes all customer visits to your site and tracks them in detail.


This tool is characterized by giving the user very detailed data regarding keywords and synonyms in addition to the feature of analyzing pay-per-click campaigns only

And monitoring the brand’s performance in the market and analyzing its different reactions.

Advantages and disadvantages of marketing through social networking sites

Social networking sites are known as a means of communication through which the user can create an account that enables him to communicate via the Internet to share information and ideas and others. 

Advantages of social networking sites

These sites have several advantages, the most important of which are:

  • Providing opportunities for young people to express their ideas and opinions: The world has become largely connected in light of social networking sites and blogs, where anyone can easily express their ideas And gather those interested in it from all over the world.
  • Getting support and participation: Simply sharing a person’s problems and expressing them and getting support from others makes it easier for the person to overcome the experience better.
  • Getting job opportunities and marketing themselves: According to recent statistics, 6.5 million job opportunities have been announced on .com sites, which is an example of professional social networking platforms. Companies have also started using it as a tool to attract employees from all over the world.
  • Opening new and great horizons for pioneering ideas: Social networking sites are considered the most important marketing tool used by large companies and owners of new ideas to market their products and services. This is called electronic marketing via social networking sites.
  • Creating job opportunities and the emergence of new career paths: There are now opportunities for full-time or part-time work that many young people can do, such as (marketing content writer, social media marketing specialist, graphic designer specialized in designing advertisements for products on social media platforms.
  • Constant contact with the world: In previous years, there was no opportunity to communicate with family or friends in other countries, but now we can easily communicate with anyone anywhere, which opens up large areas for work and taking information from everywhere.

As we talked about the advantages of marketing via social media, there are also some disadvantages.

Disadvantages of Social networking sites

The most important of disadvantages are:

  • Addiction: According to the latest statistics that were mentioned in one of the magazines, many adolescents between the ages of 13-18 spend about 9 hours a day using social media, and this has a significant and negative impact on other aspects of life.
  • Social isolation and the illusion of virtual communication: We may sometimes find members of the same family in the same house communicating with each other through social media, and we may find individuals spending many hours using Phones without any personal and effective communication and everyone is satisfied with virtual communication only.
  • Monitoring the conditions of others and looking at manifestations of luxury: This may cause frustration and despair
  • For some from the frequent following of celebrities and influencers and their news.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the basics of marketing via social media?

Strategy, planning and publishing, interaction and participation, analysis and measuring results, advertising.

  • What are the benefits of marketing via social media?

One of the benefits of marketing via social media is that it provides free and paid advertising methods that expand the circle of communication with a large number of customers around the world.

  • How do I market a product on social media?

You can market on social media through several points, the most important of which are: setting goals, identifying social media platforms, developing a marketing plan, developing business accounts, communicating with others, measuring performance results.


The impact of social media on marketing has a very large and huge role in the success of any

commercial activities as it gains customer confidence, increases sales volume and creates communication with

promoting the brand in the market, so we must deal with the best

electronic marketing companies such as Tech Village, a leader in this field.

E-mail marketing

Zoek naar E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing is een van de meest verwaarloosde gebieden van elektronische marketing in de Arabische wereld, ook al is het het eerste middel dat wordt gebruikt voor marketing via websites. Het eerste e-mailbericht om een ​​product op de markt te brengen werd in 1978 in Amman verzonden, dat wil zeggen heel lang vóór de opkomst van zoekmachines en sociale-mediaplatforms. De dag dat het begon met Gary Thuerk

De marketingmanager bij Digital Equipmention stuurde in één keer een e-mail naar 400 mensen. We zullen het hieronder beoordelen op de Al-Homsi  bespreken we de definitie ervan en de meest prominente strategieën en platforms die daarin worden gebruikt.

Definitie van e-mailmarketing

Het is directe elektronische marketing die afhankelijk is van het verzenden van berichten die gericht zijn op het verhogen van het percentage verkopen of het percentage paginaweergaven, afhankelijk van de aard van de site die de marketingcampagne organiseert. Te veel e-mail marketing berichten of het op een ongepaste manier schrijven ervan leidt er vaak toe dat ze als spam worden gemarkeerd. Dit is de reden dat veel mensen e-mailmarketing met spam verwarren. Wat is het voordeel van e-mailmarketing?

Het belang van e-mail marketing:

Verschillende digitale marketing methoden worden beschouwd als een van de belangrijkste hulpmiddelen voor bedrijven en bedrijven om nieuwe klanten aan te trekken en in contact te blijven met bestaande klanten. Van deze effectieve methoden is e-mailmarketing een van de belangrijkste moderne marketingstrategieën, omdat het veel voordelen en belang heeft die we ons moeten realiseren.

Wat is het voordeel van e-mail marketing?

Directe toegang tot klanten

E-mail marketing campagnes bieden bedrijven en bedrijven een unieke kans om klanten rechtstreeks te bereiken. U kunt direct marketing berichten sturen naar klanten die mogelijk geïnteresseerd zijn in uw producten of diensten. Dit vergroot de kans om ze om te zetten in daadwerkelijke klanten.

Het op effectieve wijze leiden van presentaties en begeleiding

Via e-mailmarketing kunt u uw aanbiedingen en kortingen rechtstreeks naar klanten sturen. U kunt nieuwsbrieven of persoonlijke e-mails naar bestaande klanten sturen en hen op de hoogte stellen van de nieuwste aanbiedingen en promotiecampagnes die u aanbiedt. Dit geeft u meer controle over hoe u uw boodschap overbrengt en vergroot de kans om de aandacht van klanten te trekken.

Versterk de verbinding met klanten

Met zoveel digitale mediakanalen is het voor klanten moeilijk om in contact te blijven met merken. Een e-mailmarketingstrategie helpt bij het opbouwen van een hechte en langdurige relatie met klanten, omdat u waardevolle, onderhoudende inhoud kunt bieden en regelmatig nuttige informatie en updates over uw producten en diensten kunt verstrekken.

Verhoog het verkeer en de omzet

Door e-mailmarketing op de juiste manier in te zetten, kunt u het verkeer naar uw website vergroten en daarmee de kans op een verkoop vergroten. U kunt ook directe links naar uw producten en diensten in uw e-mails opnemen.

Analyseer de effectiviteit van campagnes

Via e-mail kunt u eenvoudig het succes van uw marketing campagnes meten. U kunt het openingspercentage van e-mails, het klikpercentage, het rentepercentage en de gegenereerde inkomsten volgen. Met deze informatie kunt u de effectiviteit van hun campagnes evalueren en de ideale doelgroep beter targeten.

Read more: search of email marketing

E-mail marketing strategieën:

Er zijn verschillende methoden die u kunt gebruiken als u via e-mail marketing aanbiedt.

E-mail marketing

Ten eerste: Wie is je doelgroep?

Doe goed onderzoek naar uw doelgroep en ontdek hun persoonlijkheid en aankoopkarakter bij het kiezen van producten en hoe uw producten waarde aan hun leven zullen toevoegen. Zorg ervoor dat u hun e-mailadressen verkrijgt, zodat u hen speciale mailings kunt sturen. Als u bijvoorbeeld kinderkleding aanbiedt, bestaat uw doelgroep uit moeders. Lees de Afzal-blog om te leren hoe u uw doelgroep kunt ontdekken. Elektronische marketingstrategieën.

Ten tweede: Wat is de juiste dag en tijd om berichten te publiceren:

Volgens een onderzoek van Omni Send, een platform dat campagnes helpt automatiseren, helpt het bij het automatiseren van multi-channel promotiecampagnes, wat betekent dat het niet alleen werkt aan het verzenden van e-mails, maar ook aan het verzenden van sms-berichten en sociale media-berichten.

Ten derde: Verdeel de klantenlijst in categorieën:

Het verdelen van de klantenlijst in categorieën, zoals de lijst met nieuwe klanten en de lijst met belangrijke klanten, en het creëren van aangepaste inhoud die elke categorie afzonderlijk target, heeft een grote invloed op de interactie van de klant met berichten.

Ten vierde: Sjablonen gebruiken voor e-mailcampagnes:

E-mail sjablonen zijn vooraf ontworpen sjablonen voor e-mailberichten die iedereen kan gebruiken. U kunt eenvoudig nieuwe berichten maken of berichten herschrijven. U kunt veel tools gebruiken die veel kant-en-klare sjablonen bieden, zoals Zoho, Mailchimp en andere sjablonen.

Email marketing software and platforms:

We hebben vijf platforms om uw online winkel te bouwen door Sultan. Het kiezen van het juiste platform om een ​​online winkel te creëren vertegenwoordigt een essentieel onderdeel van het succes van het e-commerce proces, omdat het platform in grote mate bijdraagt ​​aan het bieden van de succeselementen voor de winkel, waardoor uitbreiding en het eenvoudig automatiseren van repetitieve taken. Veel bedrijven kunnen concurreren om effectieve platforms te bouwen. Om de service te bieden om binnen enkele minuten snel een online winkel te bouwen, variëren deze platforms in de functies die ze bieden. In dit artikel zullen we het hebben over de vijf beste platforms waarop u kunt vertrouwen bij het bouwen van uw online winkel.


Shopify is het dominante platform in de handelswereld, en meer dan een miljoen dynamische, effectieve elektronische bronnen over de hele wereld zijn ervan afhankelijk. Shopify biedt verschillende tools op één platform waarmee verkopers in zeer korte tijd effectieve online winkels kunnen creëren met verschillende opties. Het platform heeft het grootste aandeel van het aantal elektronische winkels over de hele wereld. .


Het platform wil een nieuw tijdperk van veilige en gemakkelijk schaalbare e-commerce voor bedrijven en grote winkels inluiden en heeft ervoor gezorgd dat de omzet van Merchants in 120 verschillende landen de $17 miljard overschrijdt. Het platform biedt een breed en groot netwerk van partners die verschillende diensten leveren om winkeleigenaren te helpen hun doelen te bereiken, zoals ontwerp-, ontwikkelings- en marketingdiensten.


Volgens de website van het platform wordt dit platform beschouwd als het populairste platform op internet en vertrouwt meer dan 28% van de online winkels erop. Het is open source en volledig aanpasbaar, en het platform is voornamelijk gebouwd op WordPress.

Het platform biedt een ideale oplossing voor het voltooien van het verkoopproces via websites die afhankelijk zijn van WordPress, ‘s werelds beroemdste contentmanagementsysteem, en aangezien het platform open source is, dragen meer dan 350 ontwikkelaars over de hele wereld bij aan de ontwikkeling ervan.

Mand Platform

Basket is een elektronisch platform met een Arabische interface voor het creëren van elektronische winkels om producten op websites te verkopen, gebaseerd op een verscheidenheid aan effectieve tools en partners die zorgen voor verzending en levering. Basket stelt gebruikers in staat om binnen een paar minuten effectieve elektronische winkels te creëren en vergemakkelijkt het proces van het beheren van producten en inventaris, naast het ondersteunen van alle methoden. Betaling wordt volgens de Salla-website sinds de oprichting van het platform gebruikt om te kopen en verkopen met een waarde van meer dan 168 miljoen, en wordt momenteel gebruikt door meer dan 8.000 winkeleigenaren.


Dit bedrijf is opgericht in 2017. Dit bedrijf heeft als doel de retailsector op een gemakkelijke en professionele manier in staat te stellen de wereld van elektronische retail te betreden. Meer dan 1.200 retailers in 14 verschillende sectoren vertrouwen op het platform en werken samen met meer dan 16 partners om effectieve verzenddiensten van hoge kwaliteit te bieden. Z Company maakt retailers mogelijk. Van het creëren van online winkels in een paar minuten tot een eenvoudig te gebruiken controlepaneel en meerdere opties die geschikt zijn voor verschillende sectoren.

Nadelen van e-mailmarketing:

E-marketing heeft, net als veel andere tools die afhankelijk zijn van moderne technologie, een breed scala aan voor- en nadelen, en het doel hier is om te winnen met wat het biedt en die nadelen te vermijden. Er zijn enkele nadelen waarmee klanten te maken kunnen krijgen bij het gebruik van digitale marketing, waaronder:

Ten eerste: afhankelijkheid van technologie:

E-marketing is volledig afhankelijk van technologie en internet, wat een van de negatieve kanten van e-marketing is, omdat bij een internetstoring uw hele bedrijf aan gevaar kan worden blootgesteld.

Ten tweede: hevige concurrentie:

Wanneer u een nieuw product online lanceert, krijgt u te maken met hevige mondiale concurrentie vanwege het grote aantal vergelijkbare producten dat vanuit verschillende delen van de wereld toegankelijk is.

Ten derde: privacy- en beveiligingskwesties:

Elektronische marketing maakt uw gegevens voor iedereen beschikbaar, wat grote privacy- en veiligheidsproblemen veroorzaakt. U moet dus zeer voorzichtig zijn met wat er op websites wordt gepubliceerd.

Ten vierde: Hoge onderhoudskosten:

De technologie evolueert dramatisch en snel, wat leidt tot een dringende noodzaak om ontwikkelingen op websites door te voeren, waarvoor soms grote sommen geld nodig zijn.


Wat is e-mailmarketing?

Deze strategieën en technieken die internet gebruiken om doelgroepen te bereiken, staan ​​bekend als e-marketing, die tot doel heeft miljoenen internetgebruikers aan te trekken, hetzij via mobiele telefoons, computers, laptops of tablets.

Hoe beginnen met email marketing?

We hebben verschillende stappen voor het succes van het e-mailmarketingproces.

Ten eerste: het kennen van de doelgroep

Ten tweede: de tekst van de reclameboodschap zo formuleren dat deze informatie bevat die niet noodzakelijk is, maar informatie die tegelijkertijd aantrekkelijk en kort is.

Ten derde: het juiste tijdstip voor de reclameboodschap kiezen, zoals het verzenden van de boodschap tijdens promotiecampagnes, seizoensuitverkoop of het aankondigen van nieuwe en verbeterde producten en diensten.

Voorbeelden van e-mail marketing platforms?

  • Het Mailchimp-platform bevat de belangrijkste functies van Mailchimp.
  • Constant platform.
  • Convert kIt-platform
  • GetResponse-platform.
  • Activ Campaing-platform.
  • Aweber-platform.
  • Mailerite-platform.
  • Omnisend-platform.


Veel verkopers zullen nalaten e-mail marketing te gebruiken als een manier om de omzet te verhogen. De laatste tijd heeft e-mail zich ontwikkeld van slechts een communicatiemiddel tot een

email marketing

Search of Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most neglected areas of electronic marketing in the Arab world, even though it is the first means used for marketing via websites. The first email message to market a product was sent in Amman in 1978, that is, a very long time before the emergence of search engines and social media platforms. The day it started with Gary Thuerk

The marketing manager at Digital Equipmention sent an email to 400 people at once.We will review below on Al-Homsi’s website the definition and the most prominent strategies and platforms used in it.

Definition of email marketing

It is direct electronic marketing that relies on sending messages aimed at increasing the percentage of sales or the percentage of page views, depending on the nature of the site organizing the marketing campaign. Too many email marketing messages or writing them in an inappropriate way often leads to them being marked as spam, and this is what makes many people confuse email marketing with spam.

The importance of email marketing:

Various digital marketing methods are considered one of the main tools for companies and businesses to attract new customers and stay in touch with existing customers. Among these effective methods, email marketing is one of the most important modern marketing strategies, as it has many benefits and importance that we must realize.

What is the benefit of email marketing?

Direct access to customers

Email marketing campaigns provide companies and businesses with a unique opportunity to directly reach customers. You can send direct marketing messages to customers who may be interested in your products or services. This increases the chance of converting them into actual customers.

Directing presentations and guidance in effective ways

Through email marketing, you can direct your offers and discounts directly to customers. You can send newsletters or personal emails to existing customers and inform them of the latest offers and promotional campaigns you offer. This gives you greater control over how to deliver your message and increases the chance of attracting customer attention.

Strengthen the connection with customers

With so many digital media outlets, it is difficult for customers to stay in touch with brands. An email marketing strategy helps build a close and long-term relationship with customers, as you can provide valuable, entertaining content and provide useful information and updates about your products and services regularly.

Increase traffic and sales

By using email marketing correctly, you can increase traffic to your website and thus increase the chances of a sale. You can also include direct links to your products and services in your emails.

Analyze the effectiveness of campaigns

Through email, you can easily measure the success of your marketing campaigns. You can track the email open rate, click rate, interest rate, and revenue generated. This information helps you evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns and better target the ideal audience.

Read also: search of vedio marketing

Email marketing strategies

There are several methods you should do when you are marketing via email:

email marketing
email marketing

First: Who is your target audience?

Research well about your target audience and discover their personalities and purchasing nature in choosing products and how your products will add value to their lives. Obtain their mail addresses so that you can send them special mailings. For example, if you offer children’s clothing, your target audience is mothers. To learn how to discover your target audience, read the Afzal blog. Electronic marketing strategies.

Second: What is the appropriate day and time to publish messages:

According to a study conducted by Omni Send, a platform that helps automate campaigns, it helps automate multi-channel promotional campaigns, meaning that it does not only work on sending emails, but also works on sending text messages and social media messages.

Third: Divide the customer list into categories:

Dividing the customer list into categories, such as the list of new customers and the list of important customers, and creating custom content targeting each category separately greatly affects customer interaction with messages.

Fourth: Using templates for email campaigns:

E-mail templates are pre-designed e-mail message templates that anyone can use. You can easily create new messages or rewrite messages. You can use many tools that provide many ready-to-use templates, such as Zoho, Mailchimp, and other templates.

Best Email marketing tolls and platforms:

We have five platforms to build your online store by Sultan Choosing the appropriate platform to create an online store represents an essential part of the success of the e-commerce process, as the platform contributes greatly to providing the elements of success for the store, facilitating expansion, and automating repetitive tasks easily. Many companies may compete to build effective platforms. To provide the service of building an online store quickly within minutes, these platforms vary in the features they offer. In this article, we will talk about the five best free email marketing platforms that can be relied upon in building your online store.

Shopify platform

Shopify is the dominant platform in the world of commerce, and more than a million dynamic, effective electronic sources around the world depend on it. Shopify provides various tools in one platform that enable merchants to create effective online stores with different options and in a very short time. The platform has the largest share of the number of electronic stores around the world. .

BigCommerce platform

Which seeks to lead a new era of secure and easily scalable e-commerce for companies and major stores, the platform helped Merchants’ sales turnover exceeds $17 billion in 120 different countries. The platform provides a wide and large network of partners who provide various services to help store owners achieve their goals, such as design, development and marketing services.

WooCommerce platform

According to the platform’s website, this platform is considered the most popular platform on the Internet, and more than 28% of online stores rely on it. It is open source and fully customizable, and the platform is built primarily on WordPress.

The platform provides an ideal solution for completing the sales process through websites that rely on WordPress, the world’s most famous content management system, and since the platform is open source, more than 350 developers around the world contribute to its development.

Basket platform

Basket is an electronic platform with an Arabic interface for creating electronic stores to sell products on websites, based on a variety of effective tools and partners who take care of shipping and delivery operations. Basket allows users to create effective electronic stores within a few minutes and facilitates the process of managing products and inventory, in addition to supporting all methods. Payment, according to the Salla website, since the platform was established, it has been used to buy and sell with a value of more than 168 million, and it is currently used by more than 8 thousand store owners.

Z platform

This company was established in 2017. This company aims to enable the retail sector to enter the world of electronic retail in an easy and professional way. More than 1,200 retailers in 14 different sectors rely on the platform and cooperate with more than 16 partners to provide effective shipping services with high quality. Z Company enables retailers. From creating online stores in a few minutes through an easy-to-use control panel and multiple options that suit different sectors.

Disadvantages of email marketing:

E-marketing, like many tools that rely on modern technology, has a wide range of advantages and disadvantages, and the goal here is to win with what it offers and avoid those disadvantages. There are some disadvantages that customers can face when using digital marketing, including:

First: Reliance on technology:

E-marketing depends entirely on technology and the Internet, which is one of the negatives of e-marketing because in the event of an Internet outage, your entire business could be exposed to danger.

Second: Fierce competition:

When you launch a new product online, you face fierce global competition due to the large number of similar products that can be accessed from different parts of the world.

Third: Privacy and security issues:

Electronic marketing makes your data available to everyone, which causes major privacy and security problems, so you must be very careful about what is published on websites.

Fourth: High maintenance costs:

Technology is evolving dramatically and rapidly, which leads to an urgent need to make developments on websites, which may sometimes require large sums of money.


What is email marketing?

These strategies and techniques that use the Internet to reach target customers are known as e-marketing, which aims to attract millions of Internet users, whether through mobile phones, computers, laptops, or tablets.

How do I start an email marketer?

We have several steps for the success of the email marketing process.

  • First: knowing the target audience
  • Second: Formulating the text of the advertising message so that it contains information that is not required, but rather information that is attractive and brief at the same time.
  • Third: Choosing the appropriate time for the advertising message, such as sending the message at the time of promotional campaigns, seasonal sales, or announcing new and improved products and services.

Email marketing examples platforms?

  • The Mailchimp platform includes the main features of Mailchimp.
  • Constant platform.
  • Convertkit platform
  • GetResponse platform.
  • ActivCampaing platform.
  • Aweber platform.
  • Mailer ite platform.
  • Omnisend platform.


Many merchants may neglect to use email marketing as a way to increase sales. Recently, email has made its way from being just a means of communication to becoming an indispensable electronic marketing method.

video marketing

Search for video marketing

Video marketing is considered one of the types of content marketing. It is a strategy that uses the power of video attraction to attract and interact with the audience and turn them into potential customers. Businesses make extensive use of video throughout the marketing funnel to reach audiences throughout the customer experience.

The latest statistics and figures show that 66% of customers and consumers consider short videos to be the most attractive type of content on various social media platforms. Therefore, 92% of marketers rely on videos because of their high return on investment and positive results in various marketing campaigns. We will review below on Al-Homsi’s website the concept of video marketing and the most prominent strategies for launching a video marketing campaign.

Video marketing concept

Video marketing is the use of videos to promote or inform your audience about your post and products. Brands can use video in various digital channels and formats, including their website, social media marketing, programmatic advertising, etc.

In other words, video marketing is a distinctive marketing mechanism that relies on using content in a distinctive way, in order to promote the brand or tell the audience a lot about your services and products. You can rely on Marketing video. If everyone agrees that a picture is worth a thousand words, then how important are videos?

This is considered the cornerstone of video marketing, as it makes delivering your marketing message and reaching your customers faster and with less effort. You can use video in many ways in your marketing plan and for more than one purpose, from building a relationship with the customer, promoting the experiences and testimonials of your customers, in addition to providing entertaining content that is easy to digest, has a deep impact, and spreads quickly.

Types of video marketing

The owner of any business always strives to establish awareness of his brand and broadcast his marketing message in the hearts of his target customers, in order to earn more profits and achieve the highest sales. Through Marketing video, you can promote your products or services through different types of marketing videos, which we will learn about below:

  • Visual marketing.
  • Educational content.
  • Formal interviews.
  • Customer opinions.
  • Video marketing ads for products.

The importance of video marketing

video marketing
video marketing

You can convey a huge amount of information in a few seconds through a variety of stimuli that make it easy to attract the attention of viewers and hence draw attention to the importance of relying on different types of videos, in conjunction with its increasing importance and effective role in the marketing process. Brands create videos to spice up their online profile, which is thought of as video content marketing. The video is often shared on YouTube or other social media platforms. But they can even be shared through webinars, training courses, live videos or self-hosted videos.

Read also: Affiliate marketing: concept, principle, most important sites

Video marketing strategy

Some of the most important ideas for producing a video clip are:

Audience engagement and retention

Videos quickly attract attention. In a fast-paced digital landscape, where users scroll through content quickly, a well-crafted video can stop them in their tracks.

Combining images, sound and movement creates a multi-sensory experience that resonates with viewers. Whether it’s a product demo or an honest testimonial, videos evoke emotion and increase audience engagement.

Tell the brand story

Videos allow brands to effectively tell their story. Whether it’s the origin of the company, who’s behind it, or the mission they stand for, a compelling narrative can create a lasting impression.

Search engine optimization and visibility

Videos increase search engine visibility (SEO), and YouTube is the second largest platform after Google.

When optimized with relevant keywords, video content can improve brand visibility. Additionally, videos often appear in search results, resulting in higher click-through rates.

Educational content

Videos are a great way to simplify complex information and concepts, whether through a tutorial, webinar, or explainer video.

Educational videos also position the brand as an authority in its field, as they build trust and credibility.

Call to action (CTA)

It’s essential that your video has a clear CTA. Whether by subscribing to a channel, visiting a website, or making a purchase, the CTA guides viewers to the next steps.

Calls to action can be subtle, such as a watermark containing a website URL, or explicit, such as a voiceover urging viewers to click on a link.

Video marketing steps

When you intend to engage in video marketing to promote your products, you must follow the following steps:

Set your goals

Setting clear goals is an essential part of guiding the video marketing process, by increasing brand awareness, increasing website traffic, attracting potential customers, or even increasing sales.

Know your target audience

Understanding your target audience is key to creating videos that resonate with people. It is therefore advisable to conduct market research to determine demographics, interests and pain points, with the aim of customizing segments that meet their preferences and needs.

Plan your content

After setting goals and understanding your audience need, develop a content strategy. Brainstorm video ideas that are relevant to your industry and provide value to viewers. It is recommended to use a mix of educational, entertaining and promotional content to keep your audience engaged.

Create high-quality videos

Use good equipment, including a high-resolution camera, microphone, and lighting settings, to get clips that look and sound professional Leave an impression on the viewer. Pay attention to factors including framing, composition, and sound clarity.

Crafting persuasive texts

Well-written text is essential to communicate your message effectively:

Structure the text to have a clear introduction, body and conclusion.

Use storytelling techniques to capture the audience’s attention.

Include relevant examples to explain your statement.

Search engine optimization

As with written content, videos benefit from SEO, as you can do keyword research to identify relevant words and incorporate them into your video titles, descriptions, and tags. This helps the clips rank higher in search results and increases traffic to the site.

Choose the appropriate distribution channels

Study the target audience’s presence systems closely and distribute video clips. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are among the most prominent video marketing platforms. Take advantage of email marketing, embed clips on your site and work with influencers to expand your reach.

Analysis and iteration

Analyze the performance of your videos regularly using analysis tools, pay attention to metrics for views, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. Use this data to determine what will work and what needs improvement.


Video marketing has proven to be the ideal promotional means that helps market various products and services and is the basis for the success of any business. Therefore, it is important to search for the best electronic marketing company that has experience in managing a video marketing strategy.

But it is worth noting that video marketing is a dynamic field, so staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. By following these steps and constantly improving your approach, you can effectively leverage the power of video to achieve your marketing goals.